Scribes of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc


Becoming a scribe is as easy as 1...2...3!

One, ask! It is as simple as that, ask someone you know who does scrolls, ask the education deputy, ask your local scriptorium there are many people in this Kingdom who would love to show you what they know.

Two, take a class! Have you ever taken a class at an event on any of the scribal arts? There are several offered at every university and frequently at local events as well. Some of the scriptoriums in Atlantia offer workshops on specific techniques. In addition to scriptoriums there are scribes who open their homes to anyone interested in learning.

Three, just do it! That's right, jump in with both feet and do it. Once you have the basics down all you have to do is take the plunge. You can start slow and easy by asking the Clerk Signet for an assignment from the backlog. Or, you can go for it and start doing scrolls for upcoming courts. The hardest part is starting, and we are here to help you out.

Still not sure? That's alright, here are some other services we can provide for you.

  • New Scribe survival kits.
  • On-line Tutorials
  • Listing of local Scriptoriums
  • Local Scribes willing to Mentor you
  • So come on in, the water is fine! We can't wait for you to join us!
For more information please contact the New Scribe and Education Coordinator at

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